
Monday, July 28, 2014

a letter from Aunt Olive . . .

I started my 365 day mail challenge about 3 weeks ago . . . I have mailed a letter to someone every day and hope to continue to do that for the next year.  I didn't really stop to think when I started writing letters about getting letters in return.  I was thrilled to get a letter from my Aunt Olive a few days ago - after she received the letter I wrote her.  What a wonderful surprise.  I see her when I go back to Iowa, but I have never really exchanged letters with her.  
I think I am liking this challenge.  The Internet is great . . . thanks to Facebook I can keep up on what most of my family is doing and see pictures of them, their kids, their food, their vacations, and even know where they go to dinner and with who.  But this letter . . . it made my day.  My Aunt Olive is over 90 years old . . . I could tell by her handwriting that it took her awhile to write her letter.  In fact, she even wrote that she needed to get the letter in the mail because she had been working on it for a couple of days.  But she took the time to answer my letter!!!   It probably took her a couple of days, because from the sound of her letter she is a busy woman.  She has scraped the paint off her house, then as soon as she had some good weather she painted it (two coats) . . . but she did say that she was careful and only painted up as far up as she could reach.  Now she needs to paint her front porch.  She wrote that she stays busy with her flowers and was getting ready to bake a cake for one of her granddaughter's birthday.  She told me that she hires someone to mow her yard, but admitted if she isn't happy with it she will go outside and go over it again.  She made the comment that maybe she was too fussy . . . I think she is amazing!

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