
Thursday, February 19, 2015

birthday card journal . . .

Once again this year I took my birthday cards and a couple of Valentines and made them into a journal.  I love making these.  I used a very special handmade card for the cover of my journal.  It was too special to hide inside the journal.  Lorraine makes the most wonderful cards . . . you can see them and all the other creative things she does here -  Paper Vernissage 
 In the past I have tried different ways of binding my cards together . . . this year I simple went with glue.  It works great for this kind a project.  I simply glued the edges of the cards - then clamped the cards together until the glue dried.

 I decide to add a little washi tape to each page.  It helps hold the cards together a little better . . . and besides - I love washi tape!

How I just have to fill the empty spaces up with whatever comes to mind when I feel the need to write in a journal.  
Writing in a journal reminds you of your goals and of your learning in life. It offers a place where you can hold a deliberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself.
~ Robin S. Sharma

1 comment:

  1. I saw this this morning when I was on my bike and had to come back to thank you for the shout out and for the great idea. I save all the cards I get too and need to do something with them. Thanks for the inspiration!
