
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

me and my shadow . . .

“Why's it so sunny?" she repeated.
Zooey observed her rather narrowly. "I bring the sun wherever I go, buddy," he said.” 
~ J. D. Salinger, Franny and Zooey

 Lily . . . my little shadow every morning.  I must remember not to take these mornings for granted.  We have our routine before school starts and even though that routine is basically the same each day . . . there is also something special about everyday . . . if I take the time to notice.  I lifted my phone up to take this top picture of her this morning . . . and up came that little hand into a peace sign.  She is growing up so fast . . . my dear Lily.  
Yesterday's heart . . . my heart shaped post-it notes.  Maybe all post-it notes should be heart shaped . . . or smiley faces, or stars . . . you can't help but feel a little better using a post-it like that - right? Those pink hearts are much more fun than the plain old pastel yellow post-its . . . but then I have a thing for post it notes.  (just not the boring yellow ones).
Today's heart . . . 
It was a crazy, busy day with a long meeting at the end of the work day . . . hitting some tennis balls was exactly what I needed!  Sometimes I just need to run and play in the sunshine like I did when I was a kid . . . I think we all can benefit from that.
"Time is a game played beautifully by children."
~ Heraclitus, Fragments

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