
Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer afternoon

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; 
to me those have always been 
the two most beautiful words in the English language."
~ Henry James

The sun was shining bright (complete with a sun bow) and the temperature was over 90 degrees . . .
 my favorite kind of day to work in the yard.  
Most of my giant sunflowers did not make it this year.  This is the second year in a row . . . I have about had it with snails.  I hesitate to use something to kill them because of Charlotte helping me in the garden, but next year I am going to have to do something.  I do have my one plant that came up all on it's own in one of my raised garden beds.  I will miss not having the giant flowers . . . but I am enjoying this beautiful plant.  It measured in Saturday at 13 feet and we have new sunflowers blooming every day.   I do believe this plant came up just to bring me joy!  

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