
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Estelle . . .

 Here is a picture of Estelle . . . the little zombie doll that I made for the Zombie Doll Swap that I joined.  I can post her picture now that Val has received her.  This zombie swap motivated me to get back to making some dolls again.  That and the time of year . . . I have a couple doll bodies I need to finish putting together tonight.  I am not completely sure what I am going to do with them yet, but I am thinking a little witch . . . and of course another zombie.
 Here is Estelle after arriving in Louisiana with all her goodies . . . I know once she is in Val's pumpkin patch with her other zombie dolls she will feel right at home.  :)

It is fun for me to watch a little doll come together.  
Estelle is the sort of little zombie you don’t mind having around.  She’s a little quirky, and very friendly.  She tries to see the good in everyone she meets and is usually so busy making new friends that she doesn’t even think to bite them.  She loves to be silly . . . is happiest surrounded by the people she cares about . . .  and loves drinking wine out of pretty glasses.  But beware . . . she has a way of making you smile for no reason at all.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

skeletons in the house . . .

I do not know what it is with me and skeletons . . . they are just so much fun to decorate with.
I especially like this little one wearing black lace.  Charlotte named her Marie . . . I'm not sure why, but it fits.  I love getting ready for Halloween.  It is such an easy holiday to decorate for . . . anything goes and a simple little $2 skeleton works perfectly.

"Woodstock Wendy"

We stopped at our mailbox on the way home last night . . . Richard got out to get the mail and turned around with a smile on his face and a key in his hand.  The key meant there was a package in the larger mailbox.  The package could only be one thing . . . . ZOMBIE SWAP! . . . and my zombie doll had arrived!
 What a fun creative package!
This amazing little zombie doll - "Woodstock Wendy" was inside with all of these goodies and a warning . . . "There is a very small chance your Woodstock Wendy consumed some bad 'shrooms.  If she did, DO NOT open this package.  She will eat your face.  Good luck."
 "Uh-OH!  It looks like your Woodstock Wendy ate some bad 'shrooms.  If you opened this package, you are already expose.  Good luck."
 She came with some Magik 'Shrooms, Woodstock Wacky Pak soup mix, a flower power hair band (for my inner hippie), some heart stickers, a skein of tree hugger green yarn to crochet a bitchin' hat, (which is exactly what I am going to do), and a journal. 

 Everything was wrapped in what looked like scraps from an old apron.  I LOVE how the soup mix was tucked in a pocket!

Thank you so much Val for the wonderful package, such an amazing little zombie doll, and for organizing such a fun swap.  (You should be getting your package soon.)
I don't think Woodstock Wendy will be put away after Halloween . . . she may just have to find a place to sit permanently.  

Friday, September 25, 2015

let's swap zombies . . .

A little glimpse of Estelle . . . who is on her way to Louisiana for the

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I know it is still September . . . I can't help myself.

With October so close . . . I can't help myself, I just have to get an early start with my Halloween decorations this year.  Charlotte had so much fun helping me with the skeletons.  She gave them all names.   Jennifer sent me this picture of Lily when they were at Target on Saturday.  Wait . . . I haven't been to Target since they have their Halloween stuff out . . . I think I may need to take Lily and Charlotte with me.  
36 days til Halloween!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Shabby Charlotte Doll . . . Mimi

I made a new little Halloween doll this week, as well as finishing my "primitive zombie" for the zombie doll swap that I joined.  I can't wait to post pictures of the little zombie doll that I am sending to Louisianan in a few days.I finally got around to making a different doll body . . . and I love how the little zombie turned out.  I am going to hate to see her go . . . but I think she is going to someone who likes little zombie dolls as much as I do.  :)
Mimi is for sale in my ETSY shop

Mimi is a clever little witch.  She likes getting up early . . . right before the sun comes up just to enjoy watching the new day begin.   Her head is always full of ideas and she doesn’t like wasting even one minute when there are so many things she wants to do.  She likes marigolds and hot tea sweetened with honey. 
Her favorite color is black and she loves Halloween. 
Her specialty is “love potions” . . . because she is just naturally good at making them.  
She tries to find some joy in every day and believes that there is a little bit of magic in everything . . .  if you just take the time to notice.  

a priceless gift . . .

I received this wonderful origami dress today.  It was a gift from one of our students.
She has been stopping by my desk for a few years . . .  for a hug or a piece of candy.   She has no idea how much she touched my heart today. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dorothy . . . and Toto too!

This little costume has turned out to be a whole lot of fun.  
I can't wait until she wakes up from her nap and see this . . . . 
. . . Grandpa's idea. 
 I think Richard and I need to stay home on a Tuesday more often.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

sewing and skeletons . . .

 Charlotte/s Dorothy dress is all done . . . I'm just waiting on the red sparkly shoes, a basket, and Toto to arrive in the mail.  It is a little big for her . . . but I was hoping it was - so she could play with it longer.  She tried it on Saturday night and had to pretend that the kitchen floor was the Yellow Brick Road.  I really do need to make a Yellow Brick Road.  

I worked on some dolls this weekend . . . working on a zombie doll for this Zombie Doll Swap.
Charlotte found some of my little skeletons and pulled them out to play with.  The look on Richard's face was priceless when she started playing with them.  When I asked her what she was doing . . . she responded, "Playing with these dolls.  This one's name is Marie."  
This girl . . . she just makes life better!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

skeletons on a shelf . . .

I have a great time shopping this time of year!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

having fun sewing again . . .


My little Dorothy dress is coming along.  The pattern called for blue rick rack.  I wasn't able to find the right color . . . but found this old trim in one of my stashes.  It worked perfect.  It is fun to be sewing something like this again.  Charlotte tells everyone "Amma is making the Dorothy and the Scarecrow . . . and later Grandma will make the Good Witch and the Tin Man."  I think Charlotte has figured out that Amma will do just about anything she asks me to do . . .
I really can't wait to see her dressed up like the Scarecrow.  She loves to dance like him and sing "If I only had a brain."  I should have the dress done in the next couple of days.
The Scarecrow should go a lot faster.
Great Grandma Dona suggested making a yellow brick road out of yellow butcher paper or yellow fabric . . . enough to run down the hallway or across the room.
You have to love Great Grandma Dona . . .
. . . Just follow the Yellow Brick Road!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Day of the Dead coffee mugs . . .

I have to show off my new coffee mugs that our friends Dennis and Linda gave me this weekend.
They are made by Crafty Chica with products from iLoveToCreate.
I am so excited . . . Not my first skull coffee mug . . . but one cannot have too many skull coffee mugs this time of year.  
LOVE * LOVE * LOVE them!

Shabby Charlotte Doll - Willow

I don't even remember exactly when I started this doll . . . but I finally finished her.  I just could not get myself motivated to work on her, but now that she is finished I really like how she turned out.  I will get her listed on ETSY tomorrow.
  Now for some zombie and Halloween dolls . . . 

Willow is friendly little doll with something a little bit magical about her.
Wherever she goes . . . she seems to always bring a little warmth and kindness with her. 
She likes to be outside and she loves to collect little bits of nature to take home with her.
 She likes coffee sweetened with a little brown sugar, pancakes,
and a little time to herself now and then. 
Willow believes that every day is a good day and the best thing you can be is a friend.