
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

having fun sewing again . . .


My little Dorothy dress is coming along.  The pattern called for blue rick rack.  I wasn't able to find the right color . . . but found this old trim in one of my stashes.  It worked perfect.  It is fun to be sewing something like this again.  Charlotte tells everyone "Amma is making the Dorothy and the Scarecrow . . . and later Grandma will make the Good Witch and the Tin Man."  I think Charlotte has figured out that Amma will do just about anything she asks me to do . . .
I really can't wait to see her dressed up like the Scarecrow.  She loves to dance like him and sing "If I only had a brain."  I should have the dress done in the next couple of days.
The Scarecrow should go a lot faster.
Great Grandma Dona suggested making a yellow brick road out of yellow butcher paper or yellow fabric . . . enough to run down the hallway or across the room.
You have to love Great Grandma Dona . . .
. . . Just follow the Yellow Brick Road!

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