
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pumpkin Carving Night 2015

 We started with some pumpkins . . . 
  some treats . . . 

some decorations . . . .

 and some food . . . 
 We had little guys . . . 
 and a little bit older guys . . . 
 some of the same old faces . . . 
  . . . and some new faces visiting from afar. 
  We had some serious pumpkin carvers . . . 
and little ones who couldn't sit still. 
There were more pumpkins than ever . . .  a lot of fun . . . and a little bit of chaos (the kind that reminds you that surrounding yourself with friends a family 
is what life is all about).

Family isn't always blood
It's the people in your life who want you in theirs.
The ones who accept you for who you are.
The ones who would do anything to see you smile,
and who love you no matter what. 

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