
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

photo challenge 1/13/16 . . . keepsake

This was somewhat of a difficult prompt for me . . . mainly because I was trying to come up with only one keepsake.  I could post pictures of keepsakes for days.  I am a sentimental person . . . which means, that by the time you are my age - you have a whole lot of keepsakes.  I finally decided on this rosary . . . or rather part of a rosary.  The rosary belonged to my maternal grandmother.  We lived with her until I was 14.  We lived in the main house and she lived in an apartment upstairs.  She worked at a hospital and most of what I remember she worked nights and would get home around midnight.  There were many nights that I would wait up for her to get home . . . leave a note on my bed telling my parents where I was . . . and then spend the night with her upstairs.  We would have a snack and I would crawl into bed underneath a quilt that she had made . . .  and we would always say the rosary before going to sleep. 
From what I understand . . . after my grandmother passed away - this is all they found of her rosary.  I am not even sure how I ended up with it.
My grandmother influenced my life probably more than I even realize . . . I think of her often and miss her terribly.  When it comes to being a grandma . . . she was the best.
5 simple beads, some wire, and a crucifix . . . to me it is a treasure. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful keepsake and beautiful memories of time with your grandmother. I absolutely love how you staged your pictures. Wow!
