
Thursday, January 21, 2016

photo challenge 1/21/16 . . . childhood memory

I honestly don't remember this particular day, but have so many memories of my aunt and uncles farm . . . and what better photo from a childhood in Iowa than a young me holding what I believe is an ear of corn.  Some of my memories are vague and others more specific, but all the memories I have of time on this farm are good ones . . . a dog named Ginger, the farm cats, I seem to remember getting water from a pump, sitting in front of my aunts vanity, looking forward to my uncle coming in for lunch, driving to a nearby town and getting to pick out a bag of penny candy . . .
one memory leads to another . . . memories are like that.
I am blessed to have had the childhood that I had.
Sending out a special "I love you!" to my Uncle Al and Aunt Hess!
 Thanks for the wonderful memories!


  1. To think that you were bigger than that tire but oh, so smaller than that giant one! You're right about the memory train. Once you hop on, you just keep moving from memory to memory.

  2. What a great photo. It's wonderful to have them! My first three years were spent on a farm belonging to cousins, and I only have about two tangible memories, the rest are only from photos. Amazing looking old tractor, too.
