
Monday, January 25, 2016

photo challenge 1/25/16 . . . sky

I love looking at the sky. 
 It can be when I am walking and I look up and see a sky so clean and blue that it feels like I could simply reach up and draw on it . . . or at night when I am away from the city lights and the number of stars I see takes my breath away.  I love clouds so big that they dominate the entire skyline and promise a storm . . . then afterwards 
allow the sun to take it's turn at painting something too beautiful for words.   
It does not matter what time of night it is . . . if my husband says to me, "Come outside, I want you to see something." . . . I will get up knowing that he wants to share the moon with me. 
 I am never disappointed. 
I figured there would be clouds in the sky today and thought I would snap some pictures when I went for a walk at lunch.  The day started out foggy (which I also love) . . . moved onto hazy . . . and didn't really turn into what I was hoping for.  
So when I was looking through my pictures for an older photo to use - I found this one . . . 
It made my day!
Charlotte in the sky!


  1. Oh, I am envious just of your descriptions of skies, never mind the beautiful blue. So often here it's like a grey lid over the city stretching from horizon to horizon, and there are days I find that a little oppressive. And we have too much light pollution for many stars. I like foggy, mind you...
    How lovely that your not-so-cooperative weather brought the opportunity to look back and find a happy memory.

  2. I don't get to see those country stars as much as I would like to . . . and we have our share of grey days. I forget how quickly children grow up until I look back at photographs.

  3. I don't get to see those country stars as much as I would like to . . . and we have our share of grey days. I forget how quickly children grow up until I look back at photographs.
