
Sunday, February 28, 2016

good things this weekend . . .

I usually try to jot down in my journal good things that happen each day.  
It helps me see the positive and to find joy in every day . . . something that is very important to me.
  I thought I would bring a little of that here once in awhile.

1. PINK donuts . . . (a special treat from grandpa)
2. A ride in the country . . . and wildflowers as far as we could see
3. Stopping by to see Jake and Kasey (Charlotte found her "secret garden")
4. Everyone coming over to watch The Walking Dead
5. Lunch, cribbage, and laughs with Richard Allen
6. Calling Roger to wish him a happy birthday.
7. PEACE & LOVE rocks from Brent, Ashley, and the boys
8. Sitting in the back yard while the wind blew the blossoms off the trees . . . Charlotte thought it was snowing.
9. Getting up early . . . I love early morning quiet with my coffee
10. Painting in my journal.

Take the time to write down at least 10 good thing about each day.
Even on a bad day . . . . especially on a bad day!

Friday, February 26, 2016

enjoy the process . . .

I am rearranging every room in my house, picking out paint colors,  playing in my journal,
 drawing. dancing, and doing make-up with Charlotte . . .
My house is disaster . . . but I am enjoying the process.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

new coffee mug!

I honestly don’t think my mind is ever completely at rest . . . maybe when I am asleep, but even then I wake up with so many ideas flying through my head . . . and for some reason lately I have been having the most vivid dreams, so maybe my mind isn’t even at rest when I am asleep.   I don’t mind and since I have always been this way I guess I am used to it . . . and they are such “great ideas” that keep me motivated and keep me doing the things that I love to do.  What I don’t like is when I have to pay more attention to the “must do” type of things . . . instead of the more fun “I want to do and make and create and just do whatever I want to do when I want to do it” type of things. 
Being a responsible adult for some time now - I have lived my life keeping all the “stuff” in my head in order, doing the “must dos” because why? . . . because I am a responsible adult and “I must”.  I do find time to do the “fun” stuff . . . when I can.  Let me also add that I am a nurturer and tend to take care of everyone else before myself.  I think this is a good quality and simply part of who I am as a wife and mother, but I do think it got out of balance at one point.  I have taken steps to get the balance back . . . but there seems to be something else stirring in me . . .
If I handled this in an over the top, extreme way like I sometimes feel like doing . . .  I would once again throw everything out of balance. 
I would . . . 

. . . quit my job
. . . pack up and move somewhere I have never lived before – maybe Arizona or San Francisco or maybe Maine (wait it gets cold in Maine).
. . . buy a barn or warehouse and turn it into my home
. . . dye my hair purple (wait . . . I did this last summer) . . . ok - I would add some turquoise and maybe dreads
. . . I would live every day in flip flops, stay up all night, wander whenever I felt like it,  have omelets and beer for breakfast every so often – or maybe cake and champagne,  I would work in a bakery . . . just so I could wear a cute apron and sell pretty cupcakes . . . or maybe a used book store . . .

It isn’t that I don’t love my life . . . I do and I cannot imagine leaving it or the people in it . . . but like I said – something is stirring.  So I am finding a new balance that works for me . . . and as a responsible adult I know this can be done without quitting my job or convincing Richard to turn a barn into our home.  (I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to convince him to have omelets and beer for breakfast once in awhile.)
So . . .  I have some ideas . . .  (lots of ideas!!!)
The only thing is when these moods hit me and I start doing “crazy” things . . . the people I love don’t always like what I do or it inconveniences them  . . . and I am sometimes met with a little attitude and/or judgement.  I guess where the balance comes in is when I don’t let that influence me . . . and do what is good for me. 

I saw a coffee mug on Pinterest awhile back that I liked . . . Jennifer made me one just like it and surprised me with it this morning . . . which is what sort of got me thinking about the idea for this post.  It may seem a little rude . . . but it isn’t meant to be.  It is just a reminder that there are times I just need to do the things I need to do for me . . .  and everyone can just “shut up.”  

sidewalk chalk . . .

The seasons are changing . . . and with the warmer Spring days we find ourselves spending more time outside.  I had intended on sitting on the patio with a cup of tea and my journal . . . but Charlotte had other ideas.  Sidewalk chalk is always a good idea!  She seems to have a thing about eyelashes lately and had to put eyelashes on everything we drew. 
 She so often is exactly what I need . . .
I strive to find joy in everyday . . . but seeing life through the eyes of a child is amazing.  I really try to just stop and enjoy whatever it is we are doing . . . and not to rush anything . . . to live in the moment . . . to stop and realize the importance of rabbits having eyelashes.  

Friday, February 19, 2016

Relax . . . it's a PINK kind of day!

PINK isn't just a color,
 it's an attitude!

Sometimes I just get a color in my head.  I think seeing these wine bottle yesterday sort of got me 
"thinking PINK".  Once you start looking for something . . . it seems to be everywhere!  
"Be Strong when you are weak.
Be Brave when you are scared.
Be Humble when you are victorious.
Be Badass Everyday!
~ Pink

making wishes . . .

The soul is healed by being with children.
~ English proverb
Yesterday I had plans to come home from work and get some things done.  I was going to do some laundry, paint some journal pages, make an early dinner, and do some cleaning . . . but Charlotte was there and asked me if I wanted to go to the park.  I have learned that life is short and it can change in a moment . . . and little girls are only little girls for so long, so we went to the park.  It was an easy decision.    
The walk to the park was an adventure in itself.  
She was full of wonder and questions that are unique to a three year old girl.  She asked me out of the blue if I liked her eyelashes, she found wishes to be made, and she told me one day that she would be a big girl . . . don't I know how fast that will happen. 
I didn't get any laundry done, my house still needs cleaning, and we ate a little late . . . 
. . . but there were wishes to be made!
Happy Friday! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

birthday wishes and blue jays . . .

What a wonderful surprise in my mailbox from Paper Vernissage.  Thank you Lorraine!
I love that background stamp!
Tucked inside was this little drawing of some blue jays . . . which happens to be our school mascot.  This  will definitely find a place on my desk.  

Monday, February 15, 2016

keep calm . . .

 So I more or less finished this little doll.  I haven't named her or written her story yet . . . and I am still not sure if I like her.  Although there are some things that I like about her.  
 I like her "I love sushi" hair bow . . . and her tie dyed scarf . . . and her #9 charm . . . 
 . . . and I like her little peace sign bag and I guess I like her hair.  
LOL . . . I guess I may like her a little after all.  
I have a few ideas for her story . . . maybe that will make a difference.
 Charlotte likes her . . . so I asked her for some ideas on what to name her.  
I got things like "Sparkles" and "Glitter" . . . I think that "My Little Pony" t-shirt she is wearing somehow influenced her thinking tonight.  
 Today also involved folding paper cranes, writing letters, reading, taking a nap and drinking coffee late in the day . . . which explains why I am still awake tonight.
I honestly think I am the most happy and relaxed 
when I am simply at home . . . doing the things I like to do.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

needs some work . . . .

I am not completely happy with this doll at this point . . . that happens sometimes.
But then some of the dolls I start out not liking end up being some of my favorites.
So we will see what happens once I decide how to dress her and try to give her some of her own personality.  I think with the heart and the red lace . . . and tomorrow being Valentine's Day and the return of "The Walking Dead" . . . I may have to zombie her up a little bit more.
A Valentine Zombie . . . that may be something I can work with.