
Sunday, February 28, 2016

good things this weekend . . .

I usually try to jot down in my journal good things that happen each day.  
It helps me see the positive and to find joy in every day . . . something that is very important to me.
  I thought I would bring a little of that here once in awhile.

1. PINK donuts . . . (a special treat from grandpa)
2. A ride in the country . . . and wildflowers as far as we could see
3. Stopping by to see Jake and Kasey (Charlotte found her "secret garden")
4. Everyone coming over to watch The Walking Dead
5. Lunch, cribbage, and laughs with Richard Allen
6. Calling Roger to wish him a happy birthday.
7. PEACE & LOVE rocks from Brent, Ashley, and the boys
8. Sitting in the back yard while the wind blew the blossoms off the trees . . . Charlotte thought it was snowing.
9. Getting up early . . . I love early morning quiet with my coffee
10. Painting in my journal.

Take the time to write down at least 10 good thing about each day.
Even on a bad day . . . . especially on a bad day!

1 comment:

  1. Fields of wildflowers and pink donuts - love! She looks right at home in her secret garden.
