
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday . . .

For Today . . .
Outside my window . . . warm and sunny - It is absolutely wonderful!
I am thinking . . . I should have walked an extra mile today . . . 
I am thankful for . . . a wonderful three day weekend . . . and another one this coming weekend!
From the kitchen . . . I have a salad waiting for me . . . loaded with vegetables
I am wearing . . . work out clothes . . . I just finished walking
I am creating . . . a new Shabby Charlotte doll
I am going . . . to work on that doll no matter what tonight -- I've been getting side tracked with other things.
I am reading . . . nothing at the moment . . . I think I better get on Amazon and order something.
I am hoping . . . and praying for a dear friend who has cancer . . . and is having her treatment delayed due to insurance issues. 
I am hearing . . . children laughing and playing - what a wonderful sound!
Around the house . . . (office) - work - lots of work!
One of my favorite things . . . the antique vase that Richard gave me for my birthday.  I love it!
A few plans for the rest of the week . . . walking, journaling, seeing a friend that I haven't seen in quite awhile, doing everything I should have done this weekend (I just spent this weekend playing!)  Also . . . The Walking Dead starts up again on Sunday!
From my picture journal . . . I didn't take many pictures this weekend and they really are not very good, but they make me smile!
 . . . love PINK!
 . . . love these two together!
. . . he cooks, he cleans, he makes me laugh!
. . . love him just because!

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