
Thursday, March 10, 2016

good things this week . . .

"Find out where the joy resides, and give
it a voice far beyond singing.  
For to miss the joy is to miss all."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson


1.  Plenty of rain
2. Plenty of sunshine
3. Making dolls with Charlotte
4. Making turmeric tea (I used the recipe here)
5. Eating healthy!
6. Talking to my brother
7. Mornings with Lily
8. Dinner and cribbage with my man . . . (I won!)
9. Looking out my window at work and seeing the mountains
10. Green!

It's been a long week . . . a simple week . . . an "I can't wait for the weekend" type of week.  I guess every week is an "I can't wait for the weekend" type of week, but I think I am feeling that a little more than usual . . . Spring Fever!

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