
Monday, April 18, 2016

good things this weekend . . .

We decided to hang our chalkboard instead of just leaning it against the wall . . . 
. . . and of course Charlotte had to help Grandpa. 
She measured . . . and marked . . . 
and as usual made the whole process much more fun.  
It may not seem possible to actually enjoy every moment . . . but I can find some joy in every day!
I can find joy in the small stuff!  I can choose happiness every day!

1. Our new chalkboard . . . and drawing with Charlotte
2. Yard work 
3. Temperatures in the 80's
4. Sitting outside reading
5. Getting up early
6. Visiting Jake and Kasey
7. Painting Charlotte's nails . . . (why don't I have a picture of that?)
8. Hot tea . . . with a message
9. Fresh fruit for breakfast
10. Laughing so hard it hurt

1 comment:

  1. That chalkboard still looks so fresh and crisp - but I'm betting it won't be long till it looks well used and loved. I think wall-mounted is great - we had one in the hallway to our kitchen when I was a child and it got a lot of use. The frame around it looks like such beautiful wood, too.
