
Sunday, May 8, 2016

good things this weekend . . .

Busy is a choice.
Stress is a choice.
Joy is a choice.
 Choose well. 

Girls just want to have fun!
So I actually had hoped my weekend would be busier.  There were some things that I really wanted to get done, but things just didn't work out the way I had hoped . . . so I chose to just go with it and enjoy the weekend for what it was. 
 I had an unexpected phone call from a dear friend today.  We live quite close to one another, but life gets in the way too often and we go way too long without talking or seeing each other.  
We are working on correcting that. 


1. Mother's Day with my kids!
2. Playing with paint.
3. 50% off nearly everything I needed at Michael's
4. Lily and Charlotte playing dress up.
5. Talking to my dear friend Julie
6. Beer and rocks with Brent :)
7. Talking to my Mom 
8. Reading to Charlotte
9. Coffee . . . always a good thing
10. Getting some rain . . . my tomatoes are happy!


  1. Fabulous quote at the top. I was just saying to someone that there are enough stresses from outside that can't easily be avoided, so more and more I work on loosening up and not adding any stress from my side. And I love the dressing-up photos - happy memories.

  2. Don't you just love it when you can see the sun's rays in the sky - much like your painting. What fun you have with those little girls! Sabrina is right - happy memories.
