
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I love October!

I glittered these four little spiders . . . because they looked way too real when they were simply black.  They were in an envelope in my purse (because it's October and it makes sense to have an envelope of  spiders in my purse) . . . I had forgotten what was in the envelope . . . and did I ever jump when I opened the envelope.  Then I laughed and had to go hand the envelope to Richard.  He jumped half way out of his chair . . . and said I wasn't right.  But hey - it's October!  
Spiders are definitely not something I like - but glitter makes everything better. . . even spiders!  

Lily had her first visit to the orthodontist . . . look who she met there!  
I love October!


  1. Those glittery spiders are way fun! I'm not over fond of them but I can take them or leave them in the house - luckily anything venomous is rare here. Laughing at the glitter "oops" because I was using loose glitter tonight and need to get the vacuum out. DH left the house with little sparkly twinkles :D.

  2. I think I bought a purple glittery spider for something and it's disappeared. Probably will scare me like yours did you. They are cute. And what fun is that skeleton at the ortho!
