
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

skeletons, unicorns, and pirate hats . . .

Life is busy!  Work is busy!  Home is busy! 
 I am tearing my house apart . . . painting, organizing, throwing out, and redecorating.  I am full of energy and ideas, although sometimes by body tells me to stop and rest . . . so I listen because it really is better if I do.  So it is taking a little longer than I would like . . . 
I am enjoying the process, but not the mess.  Although the mess keeps me motivated.
By this time I usually have all my Halloween decorations up, I am not sure if that is going to happen this year.  But it's me . . . and it's October . . . so I have to at least have a skeleton or two hanging around.  I pulled out one of my big skeletons the other night and Charlotte's reaction was . . . "Grandma, we have to take a picture." . . . so of course we had to.  There is always time for silly pictures and shadow peace signs with Lily, and watching baseball games.  The National Anthem is always better with a unicorn and a pirate hat . . . don't you agree!
Happy Tuesday!  
Enjoy the process!

1 comment:

  1. How cool that you have a small skeleton as well as the bigger one! (And I love the little bat on the dresser behind the skeleton - so cute!!). We were driving out in the country the other day and saw a chair by the roadside with a skeleton sitting in it, Halloween is on the way here too.
    I bet everything will be wonderful when it's all done - the mess is no fun, but pushing too hard for a quick finish is never worth it.
