
Monday, November 21, 2016

be thankful . . .

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving this week.  Although I seem to be hearing more about Christmas than Thanksgiving.  I am trying to ignore that and enjoy this last week before the real holiday craziness begins.  I thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving . . . no huge build up, no shopping necessary (other than food), and I am surrounded by the people I love.  
I also get the whole week off from work!!!!
I am thankful for so many things.  I think we all need to remember what we are thankful for all of the time . . . not just when there is a holiday to remind us or when things are going good. 
The recent turmoil in our country has made me thankful for the way I was raised . . . I was raised to care and be compassionate - not to hate.  I was raised to be optimistic and look for the good in people and in situations.  I was raised to believe in a loving God and I have a deep faith that gets me through when things get difficult.  I was raised to be joyful . . . and no matter what life throws at me . . . 
I can always find my way back to that.  
I am thankful for the people in my life.  My family of course . . . near and far . . . still here and some gone . . . those related by blood as well as those that are family because they came into my life and belonged there.  I am reminded daily of the importance of family!  Family is obvious - right? . . . but what about the lady who smiled at me when I was walking into the grocery store (a complete stranger) - such a genuine smile - that it changed my day.  I work with a group of people that make going to work a pleasure . . . my friends (old and new) warm my heart with their thoughts and prayers and laughter and tears.
 I am more than thankful for my husband.  I look at him and know that he loves me and will always love me - not matter what happens between us -  he will always be there for me.  My children and their families are my biggest blessings!  I love when we are all together . . . and I love that when we are - the house is more full than it used to be and when they leave there is a happy mess made by children having fun.  I am thankful for children.  My grandchildren are amazing creatures that make me see the world . . . not necessarily in a new way, but in a way that adults tend to forget.  I am thankful for their magic . . . and that they share that magic with me.
I am thankful for this life . . . with all it's ups and downs and twists and turns.  It has taught me to be strong, and kind, and to choose happiness every day.  It has taught me who I want to be . . . and who I don't want to be.  It has taught me to never give up.  It has taught me the power of prayer and the importance of forgiveness.  Life has taught me to be thankful!


  1. Well said! Be Thankful - Be Happy!

  2. It's so easy to forget to be thankful, especially for the small everyday thanks. What a great reminder, so well written. Sorry about your ankle - but it sounds as if you still had a lovely Thanksgiving break.
