
Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Spirit . . .

"The best way to spread Christmas cheer,
 is singing loud for all to hear."
~ Buddy the Elf

 I haven't posted my skeleton and elf photos here for a few days . . . 
I also update them daily on 
FacebookInstagram, and a separate page - Skeleton and Elf
A bit much?  Yeah - but fun for me and I have different people who follow 
the shenanigans of Skeleton & Elf on different sites.   

I've decided that they really do have their own way of showing some Christmas Spirit . . . because no matter what Skeleton dishes out . . . no matter what he does . . . that little Christmas Elf just keeps on smiling.  There is no getting rid of his Joy . . . and he remains happy and enjoys the holiday season - every day of it.  So . . . when you find yourself tired and cranky and maybe a little stressed from shopping or whatever else the holidays have you doing . . . just remember Elf.  
Remember to smile, be patient and kind to everyone you encounter, be filled with JOY . . . 
Believe in the MAGIC and be filled with Christmas Spirit!  
If you just can't figure how to do that . . . then work at it!  Put on some Christmas music, sing along,  attend a children's holiday performance, watch your favorite holiday movie, help someone less fortunate than you, drink some eggnog, smile . . . better yet laugh, bake some cookies, eat some cookies, wear a Santa hat, have your picture taken with Santa, take a small child to look at Christmas lights and watch their excitement . . . then get that excited yourself.  Most of all . . . remember why we celebrate this season! 

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