
Friday, January 6, 2017

starting a new year . . .

Busy day today . . . but doodled a little with some paint this morning.  Busy in a good way - lunch with a friend, some shopping, some projects, and time with Charlotte.
I found the list below at  Meet Me At Mikes . . . I think these are fun!

Making:  dolls and doodles . . . journal pages . . . and crocheting a beanie
Cooking:  13 Bean Chili
Drinking:  coffee . . . always coffee (but tonight it is decaf)
Reading:  The Book of Speculation by Erika Swyler . . . just starting it
Drawing:  doodles
Wanting:  warmer weather . . . not a lover of cold weather (I consider anything below 60 degrees cold . . . yes, I am that big of a wimp)
Looking:  at my closet . . . thinking I need to clean it out . . . UGH!
Deciding:  if I should go to Starbucks in the morning . . . decided – it’s a yes . . but it will be cold outside. :(
Wishing:  the best for everyone in 2017
Enjoying:  quiet mornings . . .
Waiting:  . . . about 3 more months for a new granddaughter
Liking:  Instagram
Wondering:  where a few photographs are in my house . . . I stuck them away and can't find them
Loving: . . . the time I spend with Charlotte
Pondering:  a road trip . . . 
Listening:  to nothing . . . nice and quiet
Considering:  a new camera
Buying:  a new purse . . .
Watching:  Game of Thrones
Hoping:  for some good news tomorrow
Marveling:  at how quickly last year flew by . . . and here we are starting another new year.
Cringing:  at seeing Winter Break end . . . but I getting back into a routine can be a good thing for me
Needing:  that road trip I am thinking about
Questioning:  someone’s mental state
Smelling: the new lotion I bought today
Wearing:  leggings and a flannel shirt
Noticing:  it is getting late and I should really be getting to sleep
Knowing:  life is short . . . enjoy every minute!
Thinking:  I am going to drink coffee and be a bum in the morning
Admiring:  so many creative people . . . .
Getting:  obsessed with avocados . . . 
Bookmarking: some ideas for baby shower favors and a Project Life Album 
Disliking:  getting sick . . . finally starting to feel better
Opening:  a letter from my Aunt Olive
Closing:  my book for the night
Feeling:  INSPIRED!
Hearing:  nothing but quiet . . . 
Celebrating:  a new year . . . a new beginning.  I love new beginnings!
Pretending:  that people don’t piss me off
Embracing:  FAITH

Also found this website . . . according to them - here are my nine best Instagram images for 2016.
I'm seeing a theme here . . . 
Happy New Year!


  1. Great list. Happy New Year to you too! Having an extended break due to illness myself. Made it back 1.5 days and out since. Hope to be better soon and wishing you the same.

    1. Hope you are feeling better soon. Whatever I had stayed with me quite awhile. Happy New Year!
