
Sunday, November 26, 2017

a butterfly and some ornaments . . .

There was a very unique butterfly in my yard this week.
One of a kind . . . very colorful . . . and prettier than any butterfly I have ever seen. 
I think this is the beginning of what is going to be my Bohemian Christmas tree this year. 
 I have a lot of pom poms to make . . . and ideas for other ornaments . . . and a week to get enough done to fill up a good sized tree.  Wish me luck.
I am going to use these God's Eyes, pom poms. some painted sticks, tassels, paper cranes (because I have a lot of them).  Any other ideas are welcome. 
I should have taken a picture of bits of yarn all over my floor . . . it's only going to get worse.  


  1. I love those beautiful bright colours. The tree will be gorgeous. A couple of years ago there was a little stand selling beautiful felt ornaments from one of the ex-Soviet states at our one big craft show. I bought as many as I could afford, but was really disappointed that the lady wasn't there again last year.
    Would some feathers look good?

    1. Feathers are a great idea!!!! Thanks! I just hope I can get enough made to really fill it up nice. If not - I have a great start and can add to it next year.
