
Monday, January 14, 2019

Be Amazing . . . .

I did what I told myself I wasn't going to do this weekend . . . spent a good part of Saturday cleaning.  My intentions were to make something, read, and relax.  I got frustrated because I couldn't find something . . . which turned into organizing my supplies and cleaning the whole house.  
I have to admit though . . . it is much easier for me to do the relaxing part
when things are in order . . . that's just the way I'm wired.  
So with that done . . . I spent some time painting and writing . . . and reading. 
I had Lily spend the night.  That involved staying up late, watching movies, having popcorn and root beer, playing with slime (her not me) . . . and face painting.  

I have so much going on with me these days . . . some good and some not so good,
but I believe it is all moving towards something amazing  - if that makes sense.  
This blog has always been a good place for me to be me and I go back and forth about sharing some of what I am going through and think that eventually I will.  I have no problem throwing my life out there for everyone to see, but for now and as I work through some things . . . 
I will spare you all the details.  LOL
Life is a gift - Each day God gives us is a gift . . . so find some JOY in today!  
No matter how serious life gets, 
you still gotta have that one person 
you can be completely stupid with. 

1 comment:

  1. It's so easy to get distracted anymore. Looking for something leads to finding things that are out of place or out of date. You may not accomplish what you set out to do, but you did accomplish something. That's a plus.
