
Sunday, March 3, 2019

jelly, paint, and doodles . . .

"Don't wait for everything to be perfect
before you decide to enjoy your life."
                                               ~ Joyce Meyer
Charlotte's guinea pig came to live with us after her mom found out that she was allergic to him.
I wasn't too sure how I would like him - but he is so much fun.  
He loves to eat . . . squeals when he hears the refrigerator open . . . and makes us laugh.  
If it make you laugh - it's a good thing!

Paint and Doodles on a rainy weekend.  
I may add something more to them . . . not sure yet. 
I have had such a busy week and another busy week ahead of me, but I made some time to play with some paint . . . I made some time to read . . . I made some time to pray . . . and I took some time to rest.  Richard has a crock pot full of goodness cooking. (Korean Beef Zoodle Bowls) 
It smells delicious!  My house is sort of a mess . . . but I'm really not caring today! 
Just enjoy today!


  1. I really like the colours in the top journal page...and the writing. Cute guinea pig, and yes - anything that makes us laugh has to be good. We had several, mine was a funny little wire-haired one and after he finally died my dad tried his hand at taxidermy. It must be one of the very few things he tried that he didn't succeed; we all still remember the hide hanging to dry on the cordilyne palm. Enjoy him. Shame that Charlotte can't.

    1. That is an interesting memory of your dad. LOL! Charlotte is at our house regularly . . . so she gets to enjoy Jelly also. Our cat likes him also . . . found the cat in the cage with him one day. My son insists the cat wouldn't hurt the guinea pig. I am now very careful that the door to the cage is secure when we are not around.
