
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

just breath . . .

I was all over the place today.  My intention was to work on the pair of jeans 
that I started patching, but then decided to send for some specific thread to do that.  
That thread will be here on Thursday. (I love Amazon prime!)
     Brent called and they could not find the heating pads that I made them - so I moved on to sewing some for them.  They are simple - filled with rice and can be heated in the microwave or put in the freezer to cool.  I took a couple over to Brent and Ashley
. . . then came home and cut out and stitched a few more 
Then realized that the rice I use to put in them had dwindled down to almost nothing because Avery had come over to "play with rice" (She loves sensory activities.) 
. . . I then worked on a couple of dolls that I  started ages ago.
I watched some online art classes that I signed up for . . . 
. . . and tonight I am playing in my art journal
Yesterday my house was clean and pulled together and today there is stuff everywhere.
God how I love a creative mess!

Being home this past couple of weeks has made me realize that I am not quite ready to retire 
and that it also would be wonderful to retire.  
So for now . . . I am just trying to making the best of a unique situation. 

Sunny and WARM!
Participating in a walk/drive by birthday party
A husband who can make and fix about anything . . . with extra time on his hands.
That same husband . . . making and fixing things.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
~ John 14:27

Monday, March 30, 2020

good things today . . .

 This has to be the sweetest cat we have ever had.  
He also is the only cat that I have had that seems to pose . . .
. . .  and wait until I am finished taking pictures of him.

I was going to throw this pair of jeans out since they had a hole in them, but they are the only pair of jeans that I have that I really like . . . so I am going to patch and play with them and see what I come up with.  I'm starting with stripes and an alien . . . LOL!

FaceTime with Avery & Tatum . . . I even got a smile out of Tatum
A quiet morning to myself
Timehop App . . . today's photos made me laugh
Doodling . . . Reading . . . Painting . . . 

"I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. 
And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.
So don't be troubled or afraid."
~ John 14:27

Friday, March 27, 2020

good things today . . .

Richard made this shelf to hold the kid's are work for me and we got it hung up today.
There are some definite perks to this working at home.  I have been busy with work all day, but
it is nice to be able to get some things done at home also.
These painting are by Charlotte, Lily and Avery and were done a few months ago.
  I am excited to finally have them displayed.  
I liked this idea better than hanging them . . . so I can change them whenever they create 
something new . . . and also not having to put a lot of nail holes in my wall.

Art work by my grandchildren
Talking to my brother
Breakfast Burritos
Working from home . . . and getting a lot done.
Sunshine and flowers
Working on some dolls
Hearing from old friends.

"I don't know if time heals, but perspective does." 
                                                              ~ Steve Maraboli

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Good Morning Lily . . .

I have the joy of keeping Lily during the week . . . since her mom still has to go to work.
Since it looks like our schools may be closed for awhile, I thought Lily should have her own space while she is doing her school work. 
An old table we sanded down and threw some stain on is working out perfect.
I surprised her yesterday by  hanging up some tapestries.  
She has trouble staying focused at times - and this seems to have helped. 

"Children are not a distraction from more important work.
They are the most important work."
~ John Trainer

Monday, March 23, 2020

Birthday Doodles . . .

Since I am working from home, I brought home my desk calendar from work . . .
. . . daily doodles are a good part of my day.
Birthday Doodles for Avery!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

I'm working on this tonight . . .

Our Avery Rose will be turning three soon.  
I am working on the photo frame for her birthday party.
. . . just a small family party this year.
I can't get enough of this unique little girl!
Happy Birthday Avery Rose!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

happy mail . . . and LEGO Jesus

 I always good intentions of posting her more regularly, but don't seem to get it done.
Yet, I don't give up this blog completely.  So for now . . . when it happens - it happens.
I just wanted to share my Happy Mail, LEGO Jesus (which I just had to have), and my green hair.
Today is a great day for a great day!