
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

just breath . . .

I was all over the place today.  My intention was to work on the pair of jeans 
that I started patching, but then decided to send for some specific thread to do that.  
That thread will be here on Thursday. (I love Amazon prime!)
     Brent called and they could not find the heating pads that I made them - so I moved on to sewing some for them.  They are simple - filled with rice and can be heated in the microwave or put in the freezer to cool.  I took a couple over to Brent and Ashley
. . . then came home and cut out and stitched a few more 
Then realized that the rice I use to put in them had dwindled down to almost nothing because Avery had come over to "play with rice" (She loves sensory activities.) 
. . . I then worked on a couple of dolls that I  started ages ago.
I watched some online art classes that I signed up for . . . 
. . . and tonight I am playing in my art journal
Yesterday my house was clean and pulled together and today there is stuff everywhere.
God how I love a creative mess!

Being home this past couple of weeks has made me realize that I am not quite ready to retire 
and that it also would be wonderful to retire.  
So for now . . . I am just trying to making the best of a unique situation. 

Sunny and WARM!
Participating in a walk/drive by birthday party
A husband who can make and fix about anything . . . with extra time on his hands.
That same husband . . . making and fixing things.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
~ John 14:27


  1. Playing with rice? Sounds fun. I can remember my dad getting us to play with cooked spaghetti when he was shooting a film to use in his science classes. I think a lot of it was to do with the senses. I remember my brother mixing a big bowl of mud and smearing it all over his face (I did not take part in that one), and I remember a trip to our favourite rock pool by the shore, and to the Natural History museum on a day it was closed to the public. The one and only time I have ever seen a real hummingbird, and of course it was dead.
    Nice fabric! And the heating pads look great. So useful. I'm thinking of making some placemats on my next day off - but not sure of my thread situation either. And my sewing as opposed to card-making machine badly needs a service.

    God's peace is a good message to leave with us. Thank you.

  2. We use food coloring to makes the rice different colors, she pours it, buries small toys in it, makes a small mess with it. LOL
    We had a hummingbird in our back yard last night. They are fun to watch.
    Give yoursewing machine a good cleaning and oiling - sometimes that helps. :)
