
Monday, April 6, 2020

pluviophile . . .

"I know the rain is cold my dear, 
but dance in it a little while you wait for the sun."
                                                                     ~ a.j.lawless
Yesterday was a tough day for me.  I try to deny that I have tough days . . . because I think
I need to be strong all of the time, but how unrealistic is that? Today was much better.  Maybe I just needed some rain to wash everything away . . . and start fresh.  I was driving later in the day and it seemed like I haven't seen the sky look so blue in quite some time . . . and oh the magnificent clouds.  The sun was shining on the back of them . . . it was one of those moments when you feel that heaven is just beyond those clouds.  Our world is full of magic if we just take the time to notice.

Walking in the rain
Talking with Lily . . . how this girl get me.  :)
Getting Easter stuff ready for my grandkids
Laughing with my mom
Getting packages ready to mail
Mother Nature

1 comment:

  1. Great photo. Lovely umbrella (I kind of collect them). That grey sky looks like what is pretty normal here - I don't mind when it actually rains, but just dull grey heavy clouds I find oppressive. So true about the world being full of magic.
