
Sunday, June 30, 2013

and the heat goes on . . .

I guess this is a sign that we go out to eat.  Although, because of the heat I don't think we were really all that hungry.  So we made a couple of stops and just had appetizers.
Our first stop we had oysters and garlic bread . . . so good!
Then the ultimate chips & salsa.  I told Richard to surprise me when he ordered - good choice Coach!
It has been such a fun weekend . . . and we still have Sunday!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

summer nights

What do you do for dinner when the thermometer in your car reads 122?  Well you can make a nice summer meal (which I had planned on doing) . . . or you can go out to dinner. (Much better idea)
Over 100 and sitting outside?  These fans and misters were wonderful.  We decided that we are going to take down the misters we have on our patio and install one of these fans.  It made it so comfortable.

Of course I had to take a picture of our beer.  We rarely order the same beer, but it was way to hot for me to drink a porter or a stout.  I believe this beer was named Golden 99.
I had really planned on finishing the doll I have started and posting pictures of her today, but last night just called for something else . . . one of those fun nights that makes me realize why I love summer. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

vegetables and sunflowers . . .

Today is actually my first day of summer break.  School was out three weeks ago - but I had to work a week after that and then worked two weeks of summer school.  I was enjoying summer before . . . being off work for a few weeks will be even better.  I started the day off working in the yard before it got too God awful hot.  When I say hot - I mean the high is supposed to be 108. 
From our garden!  I am so excited - especially for the tomatoes and cucumbers.  I think a good summer salad is in order tonight. 
My sunflowers are doing great.  Although I think the snails may be eating the leaves.  I have to do something about that.  They are showing signs of flowers though.  I planted giant sunflowers about 3 years ago - but happened to be back in Iowa visiting  mom when they bloomed.  Richard sent me a picture of the sunflowers every day.  Little did he know how much that meant to me.  We were going through a really bad time in our marriage then.  I think both of us thought it was over.  I remember thinking later . . . that this is a man - even though we were hardly talking and not getting along (at all) - he still took the time to send me that picture every single day - so I could enjoy the sunflowers that I had planted . . . that no matter what the state of our marriage was . . . he loved me - and in spite of everything - I loved him.  Something so simple, but it was one of the reasons I decided to work things out.  It was a battle let me tell  you - but we put our marriage back together.  I have always liked sunflowers . . . but they have a very special meaning to me now.  I hadn't planned on getting so serious about that . . . but that's me!
The plants are nearly as tall as I am . . . and even better I will be home to see them bloom. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Birdhouses and Vegetables

Richard and my dad made these birdhouses for me years ago when we were back in Iowa visiting.  I like how they look over my garden beds.  I think of Dad when I look at them and I can just picture him in his garden or in his shop.  Thinking about it - they had to have made these at least 20 years ago.  They are a little weathered and worn - but I love that look. 
The tomatoes and cucumbers are growing like crazy . . . still not getting much off of them, but plenty of blossoms and green tomatoes - so they're coming.  The zucchini plants are starting to get out of control like they do every year and we are eating zucchini and yellow squash nearly everyday.  I still haven't made zucchini fritters - definitely this weekend.  There are so many things I love about summer - this little corner of my yard is one of my favorite things this time of year. 

random wednesday . . .

I had to laugh yesterday when Luke and Abbie brought me all of these paint color samples.  They saw them and thought of me and my heart shaped paper punch - great idea on their part.  I am also big on the names of paint colors.  When I paint a room I not only have to like the color - it has to have a good name as well.  Some of the better names here . . . Fresh Grape Juice, Lucky Shamrock, New Grass Green, and my two favorite - Pink Flamingo and Pumpkin Patch . . . I love color!
Tennis . . .
. . . followed by a cold beer.  Richard and I went out to hit during the warmest part of the day . . . there is something about a cold beer after playing tennis that makes things good!  Yesterday was sort of a crazy. . . but by the end of the day I simply counted my blessings and didn't let anything spoil what turned out to be a wonderful day!  Life is too short to have it any other way.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Best things about the weekend . . .

What a wonderful weekend!
 Walking with Charlotte again.  This time she wore her flowered hat and brought two pacifiers along on the ride . . .
  . . . which she kept trading back and forth.  Every time I looked down she had swapped the one in her mouth for the one in her hand. 
I think she is getting used to walking with Grandma. 
She was awake for the whole four miles that we walked, then fell asleep right when we got back to the house.
Reading by the pool. 
I also have some very funny pictures of Richard in a beach towel . . . but they are way to embarrassing and I don't think he would appreciate me sharing . . . so for my eyes only.  :)
A surprise visit . . . he wasn't too happy about the pool at first, but ended up having a good time. 
Making beads out of clay with Lily . . .
Here are a few of her beads.  She plans on stringing them together next time she comes over.
Best part of the weekend!
Some Sunday afternoon tennis . . .
. . . followed by lunch and a cold drink.
And finally a new Shabby Charlotte doll.  This one was special ordered for a sweet little girl named Sarah.
Cissy is the best little doll ever.  She is pure joy and sunshine.  She isn’t one to have a favorite of anything . . . she has found that it is much more fun just to like everything.  Although, she does like gum and carries a bag of gumballs in her bag just in case she gets in the mood for some.   Cissy loves to sing and dance, but sometimes she just likes to be a little quiet and snuggle with someone who makes her feel safe.  She is very wise for such a little doll and realizes just how special a daddy is to a little girl – so she also carries a little note about daddies in her bag.  Spend a little time with Cissy each day and you can’t help but be a little bit happier.
Hope your weekend was the Best!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Walking With Sunshine

Just a quick post of our granddaughter while we were out for a walk yesterday.  I love walking . . . with her along it is even better.  She really loves it when I run.  She eventually fell asleep . . . so I didn't get to run quite as much as I would have liked.  She is definite sunshine!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day . . .

I meant to post this picture on Father's Day, but never got it done.  It is too wonderful not to share . . .
My friends daughter was born prematurely between 25-26 weeks.  That was about 3 weeks ago.  She has had some issues with her lungs, but so far they have been able to take care of those.  She is gaining weight and reached 2 pounds this past weekend.  This photo was taken on Father's Day.  Please keep baby Aleena in your prayers. 

Paper Hearts

Have I mentioned that I have way too many things I like to do . . . and how I can easily get sidetracked?  I should be working on my dolls tonight, but instead I am playing with this paper punch and some security envelopes that I started cutting open . . . which of course gets me thinking of what I can do with them.  So I've punched out a few hearts . . . but really have to get back to my dolls.  I love making things out of paper and just wanted to share these cute little hearts. 
They would make a cute garland . . . or I can use them in my journal . . . or any number of things.  They are most often black or blue . . . I do have couple of red ones.  I'm a color freak - I want purple, orange, lime green, pink . . .
Any more fun ideas how to use the hearts?
Time for me to get back on task.  I have dolls to make.
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try” – Dr. Seuss

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Peace Love Baseball

I had to buy this yarn . . . it is the exact same color as a tennis ball and gave me an idea for a Shabby Charlotte tennis doll . . . I can't wait to start her, but have to finish the dolls I have started first.  I had hoped to get them done today, but spent the day with family and friends for an early Father's Day barbecue.  What a great way to spend a Saturday.
Peace ~ Love ~ Baseball

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Night Favorites

A few of my favorite things on a Friday night . . . a cold beer, nachos, paper cranes, adidas . . . and then there is Richard hiding under that hat. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tonight . . .

Just for today . . .

Outside my window . . . It is dark and I can feel the breeze blowing through the window.  I was just outside and watered the garden . . . it is a beautiful summer evening! 
I am thinking . . . drinking coffee this late at night was not a good idea, but then I love being up half the night.
I am thankful for . . . a job that allows me to have summers off from work. 
From the kitchen . . . Dinner was baked potatoes, fresh green beans, and the one large ripe tomato from the garden. 
I am wearing . . . my favorite cut-off shorts and a blue t-shirt with peace signs all over the front of it.  (PEACE . . . LOVE . . . SUMMER!)
I am creating . . . a big mess (I brought a lot of work home with me . . . it is everywhere.)  I am also working on some doll bodies. 
I am going . . . to try to spend more time this summer doing what I want to do rather than what I have to do.  I also plan on enjoying life while I do the things I have to do. 
I am reading . . . "The Paris Wife" - by Paula McLain. It is about the love affair between Ernest Hemingway and his wife Hadley.
I am hoping . . . to get up early and go for a walk/run.  But then I have had some coffee - it may not be all that early.
I am hearing . . . the sound of my husband snoring.  lol . . . I guess I have gotten used to that over the years - most of the time I don't even notice.
Around the house . . . all is quiet.  Sadie is curled up asleep next to the bed. 
One of my favorite things . . . is the cathedral window quilt that my grandma made.  Each piece is a different fabric.  I have it on the foot of my bed.  It is beautiful.
A few plans for the rest of the week . . . and the weekend . . . play some tennis, finish a couple of dolls and celebrate Father's Day with my family.
From my picture journal . . .

Thursday already . . .

Where has this week gone?  It seems like one day as run into the next - normal feeling when I am so busy.  I can't believe it is Thursday.  Let's see - after swimming yesterday I took Charlotte for a walk.  A little special time with Grandma is always a good thing.
After our walk we watered the garden.  My tomato plants have gotten so big.  I've gotten only two tomatoes so far - but there are a ton of green ones . . . so they are coming. 
The zucchini and yellow squash plants are still sort of small, but we have had a few to eat already.  I have three different types of hot peppers - one of them isn't doing so well, but the same thing happened last year and all of a sudden the plant took off and we ended up with some HOT peppers.  I also have cucumbers . . . still waiting on those.  I'm thinking that zucchini fritters sound good - I may have to make them tonight.
Richard was off work today and surprised me by bringing breakfast to the office . . . complete with monkey plates and sriracha sauce.  Probably a good thing that he did.  It is my last day here and I probably won't stop to eat . . . in fact I better get busy.   
“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.”
                                    ― Leo F. Buscaglia

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


It's always nice to find time to swim and enjoy the sun.  (plenty of sunscreen of course!)  I think between Abbie and the grandmas, Charlotte has quite few hats to wear while she is in the sun this summer. 
I've been so busy winding up things at work that I haven't been able to get much done in my craft room . . . that has to change since I have two orders for dolls that I need to get done by next week . . . but for today it was fun in the sun!