
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ready or Not

The school where I work has undergone some major modernization and construction this summer.  It actually started before school was out last Spring.  I started back to work last week . . . our teachers report back this week . . . and school starts in five days.  Some of the student bathrooms are still tore up, our cafeteria is not complete, and the water was off most of the summer, so the plants and grass have suffered.
The good news is that the insides of the classrooms are pretty much finished and teachers are able to start moving everything back in.  From a distance it looks so much better, but up close - we still have a ways to go.
Each day it looks a little better.  You can't walk anywhere without seeing people working to get it all put back together before Monday . . . and there is not doubt in my mind it will be.  That's the way we do things.

It already looks better than it did this morning.  I love this time of year . . . and I love the first day of school.  The kids will be here Monday morning ready or not . . . 
so we have no other choice than to be ready.


  1. Goodness, cutting it close! Ready or not is right - here they come!

  2. You would not believe how different it looked today . . . Between the construction crews and staff trying to get ready - it is one busy place . . . looks like we will be ready. Hope your year starts gets off to a good start.
