
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pumpkin Carving Night 2015

 We started with some pumpkins . . . 
  some treats . . . 

some decorations . . . .

 and some food . . . 
 We had little guys . . . 
 and a little bit older guys . . . 
 some of the same old faces . . . 
  . . . and some new faces visiting from afar. 
  We had some serious pumpkin carvers . . . 
and little ones who couldn't sit still. 
There were more pumpkins than ever . . .  a lot of fun . . . and a little bit of chaos (the kind that reminds you that surrounding yourself with friends a family 
is what life is all about).

Family isn't always blood
It's the people in your life who want you in theirs.
The ones who accept you for who you are.
The ones who would do anything to see you smile,
and who love you no matter what. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

It's October . . .

 When a three year old helps you with Halloween decorations . . . small light covers become very cool finger tips . . . 
 . . . and you may turn around and find something like this standing behind you.  I actually jumped when I turned and saw her.  She found it quite funny that she scared me.
 Little Halloween creatures like this are simply the best little creatures to decorate with.  
. . . only 11 more days!
I'm so glad I live in a world 
where there are Octobers.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Shabby Charlotte doll - Lyz

 This little yellow zombie doll was made for our school carnival.  Our office staff put together a basket for the silent auction with the theme - "A basket full of sunshine".  We filled it up with everything yellow that we could find.  I thought it needed a  little yellow zombie . . . so here is Lyz. 

Lyz is a happy little zombie who is always on the go.  She really doesn’t mind being a zombie because she is also a mom and knows what it is like to be dead on your feet and still do the things that you have to do.  She likes crock pot meals, sleeping in whenever she has a chance, and her favorite color changes depending on what team her kids are playing for.  
Things don’t always go like she plans . . . but she always get through and puts a smile on her face no matter what happens.  She knows that some days you just have to create your own sunshine . . .

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

life is good . . .

It is mid October and our temperatures are still in the 90's.  While working in the yard this past weekend I noticed a few leaves that prove that it really is Fall.  
I love this time of year . . . even with our warmer than usual weather.  The mornings are cool and quite . . . the evenings are perfect for sitting on the patio and watching a baseball game.  
There is no month quite like October!
paper cranes . . . 
. . . and my sweet little lady
Life is Good!
Simple as That!

Monday, October 5, 2015

sugar and scream . . .

What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup.
 ~Henry Rollins

I worked on dolls this weekend.  I think this one may end up being a witch . . . 
a happy little witch of course.  

Saturday, October 3, 2015

October Happy Mail . . .

Last week I was expecting a package from the zombie doll swap that I had joined.  I was so excited when it arrived with  Woodstock Wendy and all her goodies . . . but yesterday I was not expecting anything and what a surprise when our mailbox had not one, but two packages waiting for me.
 I recognized that familiar blue flying pig tape.  That box was from Lorraine - Paper Vernissage  
 Filled with fun little paper pockets . . . which may just be cut and folded into paper cranes.  
 Lorraine makes the most beautiful cards.  This skeleton is cut out of paper and the coloring underneath is wonderful.  She said she was experimenting with some powdered watercolors.  The experiment was a success!
I love it . . . 
. . . and everything else! 
Stickers . . . ribbons . . . a lovely lavender sachet . . . . munchies . . . a book mark . . . 
I will probably wear that day of the dead bracelet throughout the whole year!
Thank you Lorraine! 
 . . . and then another box.  This one was from my zombie doll partner Val - Yarnigras.  I could not have been more surprised.  She said she had forgotten the Halloween goodies in my first package.  Oh how I love Halloween goodies.  This little Frankenstein pin cushion will find a spot on my sewing desk (too cute just for Halloween)
  . . . a cute owl timer
. . . a beautiful handmade scarf.  The colors are perfect for this time of year!
. . . and look at this Day of the Dead apron! 
 I was just looking at all the wonderful Day of the Dead fabrics in the store this week.  I have always been interested and liked the tradition of Day of the Dead . . .
 but I also think for me . . . it is all the colors. My three year old granddaughter looked and it and told me, "That's really cool." . . . and it is!
Thank you so much ladies!!!! 
You not only surprised me . . . your thoughtfulness touched my heart!