
Saturday, January 2, 2016

photo challenge 1/2/16 . . . cold

It has been under 30 degrees every morning.  I had plans to bundle up and go for an early morning walk and take pictures for today's photo challenge - "Cold".  
I got up early and it was over 40 degrees . . . no frost in sight.  I did go for the early morning walk, but I could not get the photos that I had in mind.  So since I spent a good portion of my vacation sick with a "cold" (that seemed to last forever). . . I am going to use a different photo . . . it is not what I wanted, but sometimes is just works out that way.  Looking at this picture it would probably be better for tomorrow's post. 
On a side note . . . if you have not tried these Frozen tissues . . . you should.  They actually feel cool when you first touch them against your nose.  

The weather may have not been what I was anticipating this morning . . . 
but the sunrise was beautiful. 
I still consider 40 degrees cold . . . and I am more than ready
 for some temperatures moving up toward . . . let's say 80 degrees.  


  1. Hi Clare, do hope your feeling better....wish I'd known about those frozen tissues last month...LOL I, too, spent the holidays blowing my nose and coughing like crazy.

    So I decided to take up your photo challenge, even though it is already the 3rd. The list looks interesting.

    1. Hope you are feeling better also . . . enjoy the challenge. I can't wait to see your photos.
