Thursday, October 3, 2024


Twice a year I participate in a Zombie Doll Swap with other women from around the country . . .  who also like everything Halloween and things that are a little weird. It is organized by a teacher in Louisiana.  Making a doll and getting a package ready is fun . . . waiting for your package to arrive is even more fun.  This is a talented group of women!
This Fall the theme of the swap was The Nightmare Before Christmas.  
This is the contents of the package I received this year from Jill.  She took a set of nesting dolls and repainted them as characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas!  How cute are they!

That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great! Why does nothing ever turn out like it should? Well, what the heck! I went and did my best. And, by God, I've really tasted something swell. And for a moment, why, I ever touched the sky. And at least I've left some stories they can tell, I did. And for the first time since, I don't remember when, I feel just like my old bony self again.
                                                                          ~ Jack Skellington

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Zombie Doll Swap . . . The Nightmare Before Christmas

The theme for the Zombie Doll swap this Fall was 
The Nightmare Before Christmas.  I have always liked Sally - the rag doll from Halloween Town.  She is an ordinary rag doll in Halloween Town . . . kind, honest, and intelligent.  Sally is a bit restless though.  Since she is a Halloween Town rag doll - turning her into a zombie wasn't hard.  She was really  fun to make. 

I received my zombie package also.  It is fun waiting for it to arrive,  I have been very busy, and sort of forgot that it was coming.  Which made it even more fun when it was delivered.  
Jill did an amazing job with the Nightmare Before Christmas theme.  I will post pictures tomorrow.  

I figured it was a good time of year to get back into this blog.  I have struggled in the past making time to post.  I retired this Spring and I am hoping that helps.  I feel like I am busier than when I was working, but it is a different kind of busy.  So I am giving it a go . . .


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April Swap . . .

The theme for April's Halloween Swap was "body parts" . . . a little creepy maybe, 
but I have been wanting a reason to do 
something with an old doll head.  Again . . . a little creepy.  :)
Next months theme is "witches cupboard item".  This year of Halloween swaps 
is turning out to be a lot of fun.  Stay tuned . . . 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

when pigs fly . . .

Each year Lorraine celebrates National Pig Day on March 1st.
I met Lorraine through blogging when I took her Flying Pig Challenge years ago.
This arrived in the mail the other day . . .
 . . . just as a reminder that anything is possible.   When Pigs Fly!
Visit Lorraine's Blog - Paper Vernissage - to see all the wonderful things she makes.
Thank you Lorraine!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

pumpkin head doll . . .

I had fun making this one . . . still may add a few details.
Now I want to make more pumpkin heads . . . . in all colors.
When is a monster not a monster . . . 
. . . when you love it. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

a dreadful little plant . . .

This year Yarnigras is hosting a monthly swap . . . Halloween Year of Enchantment.  
February's theme was "Perilous Plants".  
This was a fun one.
I came up with a plant nearly impossible to kill.  :)

The Dreadful Undeadlium, commonly known as a zombie plant is an extremely rare plant.  It is a remarkably easy plant to grow and honestly has very few requirements to survive.  It can be placed in full sun or shade.  It will even survive in complete darkness – although it may growl if it gets restless. (Warning: this growling sound can be very unsettling.)  If you do not have a green thumb, this is the plant for you.  It is nearly impossible to kill this plant. (Although over pruning – especially the flowering head will cause the plant to die.)  DO NOT PRUNE!  This plant requires no water or plant food, but it is always hungry and may take a bite out of you if you get too close.  CAUTION: The Dreadful Undeadlium is poisonous – one bite will prove to be fatal. 



This was so much fun to make . . . I definitely have to make some more.

Monday, February 20, 2023

steve the cat . . .

Steve is sort of an odd cat . . . I appreciate that about him.
He always seems to be there in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. 

You will always be lucky if you know
how to make friends with strange cats.
                                                  ~ Proverb


Friday, January 27, 2023

little fancy ghost . . .

I guess I never quite give up this blog and never go away completely.
Life is always busy for me . . . so even though they are far and few between,
posts will pop up here when I have the chance.  
This fancy little ghost is part of the Year of Enchantment hosted by Yarnigras Swapper Spot.
Each month we have a different Halloween theme.  
January's theme was a haunted ornament.  
I put this off until the last minute . . . so went with something simple - a ghost.  
She is pink, a little fancy with her rhinestone eyes, 
and I hope . . . also a little creepy looking.  
February's theme is "vicious plants" . . . I think that one will be fun.


Friday, October 21, 2022

cutest werewolf ever . . .

We attended Charlotte's school play last night!
It was wonderful!  She was wonderful!  She gets a bit nervous now that she is a little older, but I think she may be a natural when it comes to being on stage.  She had so much fun and it was a treat to watch her and the whole group perform.
Cutest werewolf ever!!!
When is monster not a monster?
. . . when you love it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

just because . . .

When your big sister doesn't want Amma to take your picture . . . 
Be Happy . . . and take care of each other!
September Doodles . . . 
Whatever makes you weird 
is probably your greatest asset. 


Monday, October 10, 2022

smile . . .

I finished dressing this set and they are on their way to Arizona.
All dressed up with someplace to go.  

To succeed in life, you need three things:
 a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.
~ Reba McEntire

Thursday, October 6, 2022

what a sweet couple . . .

All dressed up and on their way to Iowa!


Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Oompa Loompa zombie . . .

The theme for this Fall's zombie doll swap was Willy Wonka.
This Oompa Loompa zombie went to Nevada.
He was so much fun to make.  I tend to always have a favorite thing with the dolls I make.  
I would have to say my favorite things about him are his eyebrows and overalls . . . and the Willy Wonka head that he is carrying.  :)

I also included this skeleton that I dressed.  
Isn't she lovely!
I think what I like most about this zombie doll swap . . . is knowing that there are 
others out there who enjoy this silliness besides me.  :)  
Take a look at Yarnigras Swapper Spot to see the other zombie dolls people made.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

I'm still around . . .

I'm still around . . . . just not here.  Still not quite willing to give up this blog, but for some reason life seems to always get in the way.  I sometime think that my life should be less busy than it is . . . that is not the case.   So let me post . . . and who knows maybe it will happen again.
I am still making dolls, dressing skeletons, and creating when I can.  This is a zombie cat doll that I made for my cousin Amy.  
It is October - my favorite month of the year.  I am decorating for Halloween of course.
I did another zombie doll swap this past month.  I will try to post pictures of that.  The theme this year was Willy Wonka.  I created a Oompa Loompa zombie . . . very fun doll to make.  
Happy October!


Thursday, June 16, 2022

fun is good . . .

She asked . . . Amma said yes . . . because we had fun.
. . .and fun is good!

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver