I finished my squiggle scarf. I am sure it is riddled with mistakes (one nice thing about this kind of yarn). But I finished the scarf, used up some stuff that I had, actually tried something new by using the
circular needles, and I am determined to continue knitting until I get it. Always look for the positive - right? I know these pictures are dark - I am hoping sunshine is in the forecast for tomorrow.

This little bag contains a pattern and yarn for a lacy scarf. It was a gift from my cousin Amy. I told myself - not another scarf, but it is such an easy thing to practice on, and I am trying to use some of the stuff that I already have. I started it three times last night. What is with me and knitting. I know what I am supposed to do. I was getting pretty good at it a few years ago, but I seem to make mistakes no matter how hard I try not to. Amy - I need to live closer to you so you can help me. I think I get the most frustrated - because when I do make a mistake - I have not idea how to fix it. When I crochet - a mistake is so simple to fix. I'll wear the yarn out simply by ripping out the first four rows so often. I finally decided I was tired (it was 2:00 in the morning) - so I will start again this morning.

I found these little crocheted carrots in a gift shop that I walk by nearly everyday - but rarely go in to shop. I probably should have just walked by this time too - I keep telling myself that I don't need any more "stuff".

This Easter basket was mine when I was small. Made out of plastic, it somehow has survived all these years. It is one of my favorite decorations this time of year. I am going to go pick up my knitting needles again - hopefully with more success today.
"You can do it. It's only one stitch at a time." ~ Myra Hansen
I like the carrots too! I've never seen anything like them. Great find!