Good news! - my other two biopsies came back just fine. I have an appointment with the oncologist today - Next week an appointment to get on other mole cut out - and appointment with the cardiologist to find out the results of my stress test - and a follow up appointment with the surgeon . . . then hopefully I can take a break from doctors for awhile.

Every so often I get it in my head that I need to do
something different with my hair. I tried red one other time - but didn't keep it very long. This time with my hair short I like it better. It isn't the exact color red that I want - but my hairdresser had to be careful that my
blonde did not turn pink. This picture isn't very good - I will have to try to get one better. So for now I am a red head! Who knows - I may get sick of it and go back to
blonde highlights next month - or I may get daring and try for a even more fun shade of red. I am liking it much better today than I did the first two days.
"Gentlemen may prefer blondes, but it takes a real man to handle a redhead."
This so made me laugh!