I have been back to work for a couple of weeks - but school started this week. After all the prep - the kids are here and we are off and running. I love the first day of school - everyone is excited and ready to go. The kids are excited and a little nervous depending on what grade they are in. There are three kids I know that are starting kindergarten at our school this year (my nephew Jackson, Luke's friend Nataleigh's daughter Riley, and another family friend Daniel). There is something special about that first day of kindergarten.
These two pics were taken last week. Each year to kick off the school year, out district gets us all together for "General Session". They have a motivational speaker, the superintendent talks - it is sort of a big pep rally. It is a great way to start the year.
Marcia and Monica at "General Session". I work with these two in the office. They are wonderful to work with.