Our neighbor was outside one day while Sadie was out with us. She took a couple of photos of her and told us she was going to paint Sadie for one of her classes. Even better - her painting made it into an art exhibit at Fresno State - and we are invited to a reception. Richard works in the building where the art exhibit is displayed - so he sent me this picture this morning. I made the comment that it really looked like her - but did not capture Sadie's sweetness . . . he laughed and pointed out that I may be somewhat partial. She is the sweetest dog - she deserves to have her portrait in an exhibit. I can't wait to go see it!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
braided bracelets
These bracelets are so fun and easy to make that I had to make a few more last night. I find myself wanting to cut up my clothes in order to have some fun colors to work with.
Now that I have a bunch of t-shirt strips cut I would also like to try crocheting with it. All kinds of ideas swirling around in my head . . .
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Have an OK day!
Telephone doodles . . . I tend to doodle when I am on the phone - then tuck them away to use in my journal later. Doodly, Doodly, Doo!
"When you realize how perfect everything is
you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky." ~Buddha
. . . OK - so honestly, PERFECT??? - probably not, but somehow things always work out . . . and laughing at the sky seems to be a good idea every once in awhile!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
a couple more . . .
I made a couple more bracelets at lunch . . . my kind of projects these days (when time seems to be an issue.) They take only a few minutes to make - and funny how I can get satisfaction out of making something so small and simple. I need more colors . . . I now regret throwing all the left over pieces away after making my t-shirt quilts. It may be time to clean out closets.
recycled t-shirt bracelet
I made this bracelet out of strips of t-shirts. I had hoped to make some more before posting a photo - but it was late, I was tired, and it has been so long since I posted about something I made - that I wanted to get it on here. Simple - but thought it was fun.
I cut the strips about an inch wide - then stretched them. I am going to try cutting some strips a little bit wider for a thicker bracelet. After I braided them - I cut off the ends and sewed the two ends together making sure I caught all the loose ends. Then I tied another piece of t-shirt in a knot over where I had stitched the bracelet together - then simply trimmed the ends. Now I have to see what t-shirts I can cut up for some different colored bracelets.
. . . notice the Melanoma awareness bracelet - please take the time to watch "Dear 16 year old Me" on my side bar.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Fun Weekend!
We went for a drive in the country this weekend . . . always fun! We ate Mexican Food, picked up some rocks, had a cold drink at the Minkler Cash Store, and visited the Centerville cemetery where Richard's grandparent's are buried.
I like this cemetery. It is small and out in the country - very peaceful, quiet, and kept up so nice.
We spotted this sign on our way to the cemetery. Whenever we drive out here - I always think that this may be where I would like to be buried . . . I couldn't help but think that once you are in this cemetery . . . that you are "somewhere over the rainbow."
Stopped in Minkler . . .
. . . and at the Minkler Cash Store. Love this old store . . . Some of the stuff on these shelves probably hasn't been moved in years. It is fun to just to browse around and take everything in. Richard was going to get a hat - and there were some great socks I wanted . . . but we were not prepared for the cash only. But hey - we have a reason to go back.
We trespassed . . .
. . . or rather Richard did. I wanted some rocks for by my garden. We were going to venture down further and walk across a little bridge - very large, barking dogs kept us from doing that.
Fun Day!
We also spent some time outside by the pool - working in the yard. One of our young doves made its way out of the nest. This is what hangs right below his nest . . . and this is all the further he got.
Here's to a great weekend . . . and another one only five days away!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
making a little progress . . .
I really have been crocheting . . . not a great deal, but I am getting my little baby beanie done a few rows at a time. I also have been sanding on my lawn chairs. It is taking much longer that I thought it would - but I am making progress. So hopefully there will be some finished project pictures soon. Can I please have more hours in each day.
Luke and I made a trip to Lowe's this weekend. While looking at plants we saw a pair of doves residing in the store. This one just made itself comfortable on a bag of bird feed . . . she would sit for awhile - then eat a little bit. Her partner was sitting a few rows above her. I felt sort of bad for them being stuck inside . . . but on the other hand - they have quite a supply of food.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Peace, Love, and the Planet
I have been terrible about posting regularly . . . I think I have been waiting to post about something I have made - waiting for some creativity to post about . . . I am getting frustrated that I do not devote more time to that part of my life - but it will happen. For today - I am just going to post some of the pictures that have been piling up on my phone.
These paper hearts come from my friend Jessica . . .
My new favorite coffee mug that Richard got for me. This little girl makes me smile!
Of course there are always pictures of Stella on my phone. I was cleaning like a mad woman last week - and she found her way into everything I was doing. She could not resist this empty bag on the table . . . she never can.
She eventually fell asleep and fell out of the bag - not too concerned about what was going on around her.
I found this wax for my hair. I have seen this at Nordstroms (and what I think is way to expensive) - but found this at a discount store. Love, Peace, and the Planet. I had to buy it just for the label. I will find some use for the container when I am done with it. For anyone out there who doesn't know me very well - my nickname is Planet. That goes back to the 80's and a song by the B52's - "Planet Claire"
Soup face . . .
. . . and a place mat crane.
A cold drink from this weekend. This tasted so good after playing tennis and visiting . . .
. . . the pigs at Fresno State. Don't know why we decided to go look at the pigs. We have been talking about taking Lily to the Fresno State Farm . . . and Richard decided to check it out while we were driving by. Of course the first thing you notice is the smell . . . which actually smells so good to me (for awhile anyway). I guess growing up in a small town in Iowa - then moving away - makes you like this smell. I got out of the car and the first whiff reminded me of home.
Peace, Love, and the Planet!
Monday, May 7, 2012
rust and sparks . . .
My friend gave me these old metal lawn chairs. They are a mess . . . but my grandma always had chairs like this on her front patio and I love them because they remind me of her. So we decided to take a shot at painting them.
They were so rusted that Richard had to cut off the bolts - in order to get the chairs apart. This was worth it just to see the sparks fly.
It would be easier to take them and have them sand blasted . . . but when do we do anything the easy way. I started sanding them - and it shouldn't be too hard to get them ready. After that a little rustoleum and I can paint them. The hardest part is . . . what color? Grandma's I believe were always painted green and white. My goal is to finish sanding them tonight - if time allows and get them painted this week.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Melanoma Awareness!
May is Melanoma Awareness Month.
I am one of those people that love the sun. And even though I knew it was not good for me - I would also use a tanning bed about a month or so each winter because it made me feel better and I liked being tan. I would justify this by telling myself it was only for one month out of the year . . . and of course denial (yes, I am aware of skin cancer - but that won't happen to me.) Well . . . I wasn't really aware at all . . . and yes, it did happen to me.
I just noticed that the moles on my stomach remind me of the big dipper . . . and I have a slight sunburn going on in this picture (from the looks of it - I am pretty sure I was tanning in a tanning bed at this time - shame on me), anyway - among those moles there is a pink spot. I had been talking about seeing a dermatologist - but never made the appointment. My husband kept at me to make the appointment and for whatever reason - I listened to him. I now have a four inch scar where that pink spot used to be - and another scar under my left arm where the surgeon removed lymph nodes. I WAS LUCKY!!! The thickness of the melanoma was enough for my doctor to be concerned - yet it had not spread into my lymph nodes. Did I mention? . . . I WAS LUCKY!!!
I think the thing that scared me the most was that my melanoma did not look like what I thought it would. It was not a mole that had changed. In fact I never had this spot until after tanning in a tanning bed a couple of years ago. I am convinced that the tanning bed played into me having malignant melanoma. I get so mad when I tell other people about this (who tan in tanning beds) - and they don't take it serious. They continue to go to the tanning salon - thinking it won't happen to them. These same people would not smoke cigarettes because they cause lung cancer - or don't microwave their food in plastic because they have heard it can cause cancer. Really????
I could go on with details and statistics . . . but will post these links
I urge anyone and everyone to find out what they can about melanoma and spread the word. After being diagnosed with melanoma - I of course got on the Internet to get information. I also found personal blogs of people who were fighting a battle with melanoma. I began following some of these blogs - and the people and their famlies - and I can remember when it really hit me . . . the seriousness of this disease . . . I would go to a blog - and discover that the battle was lost - a person had died.

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