Thursday, June 6, 2013

B is for . . .

Another Little Miss Bandanna Pants.  I finally had a chance to try the first pair of pants I made on Lily.  They fit her perfect . . . and look so cute on.  I have more bandannas to play with and just a few more busy days at work and then I will have time to do something with them.
This one traded in her bandanna pants for a polka dotted dress and a rosebud.  I am simply in awe of these two little girls . . . not a day goes by that they do not make me smile and make the day better.
Tonight we had bubbles . . . a gift that Papa picked up for Lily.  Nothing like a summer night with bubbles.

B is for baby . . . bubbles . . . bandannas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! they are the cutest : )
    And I agree, bubbles are the best.
